31 de Agosto de 2018
24 y 25 de agosto 2018.
El 24 y 25 de Agosto se celebrará en Suecia un congreso internacional sobre Alienación Parental en la ciudad de Estocolmo.Parental Alienation – What Is it? What To Do About It?
Organizada por:Parental Alienation Study Group, (PASG) is a not-for-profit corporation registered in the US, www.pasg.info. PASGNordic in Sweden is a branch of PASG, co-operating with the other Nordic countries and responsible for the Stockholm Conference. The webaddress is: www.pasgnordic.com
Estocolmo, 24 y 25 de agosto
Location: the auditorium at Moderna Museet, Skeppsholmen. in the centre of Stockholm
En estas jornadas van a participar expertos mundiales sobre la alienación parental. Algunos de los participantes son: William Bernet (M.D.), Amy Baker (Ph.D.), Simona Vladica (Ph.D.), Linda Gottlieb,European Association for Parental Alienation Practioners, EAPAP, de Karen y Nick Woodall.
entre otros.
Parental alienation – What is it? What to do about it?
International conference, August 24-25, 2018, in Stockholm Moderna Museet, the auditorium
Information and registration: www.pasgnordic.com
The conference is arranged by the not-for-profit organization PASG Nordic, in co- operation with PASG, Parental Alienation Study Group, an international not-for-profit organization registered in the US with 450 members from 46 countries from all continents. Members are researchers and practitioners from different disciplines, law, psychology, sociology, medicine, psychiatry, criminology, and some family members who have experienced parental alienation.
The aim is to promote research on the causes, evaluation, prevention and treatment of parental alienation and to distribute the knowledge that already exists, see www.mc.vanderbilt.edu/pasg.
Two things shall be given by the parents to their children, roots and wings.
Words of wisdom of unknown origin
The number of long custody cases has risen and means heavy burdens for the courts. The number of children that without justification loose a loved mum or
dad is going higher and higher. More and more children, and also adults, suffer.
The Stockholm Conference on Parental Alienation addresses professionals and researchers within the health and law sector, the school system, the police, media, and all who are interested in learning about the growing psychological domestic violence of our time from the knowledgeable lecturers who are invited.
The Stockholm Conference August 24-25, 2018
Day One:
William Bernet: The scientific foundation for parental alienation
Amy Baker: What research says about parental alienation strategies and the harm done to children and
William Fabricius: Shared parenting time and the child s best interests
Ronald Rohner: The Child s Fundamental Need of Love and Acceptance for a Healthy Development, a TED-talk.
Steven Miller: When a child has a legitimate reason to reject a parent vs. parental alienation Simona Vladica: Parental Alienation - a form of severe psychological abuse on the child;
implications in the decision-making of the courts on the exercise parental authority".
Matej Zaplotnik: Parents rights and responsibilities, experiences of parental alienation from Slovenia
Ryan Thomas: Experiences of having been alienated from my mother as a child Panel: Perceptions of Parental Alienation in the Nordic Countries.
Day Two:
Asuncion Tejedor Huerta: What a knowledgeable expert witness can do
Ursula Kodjoe: Consensus Model in Germany with interdisciplinary cooperation: early
intervention as best prevention
Demosthenes Lorandos: Foundation for cross examination of PA-critics
Ashish Joshi: Parental Alienation: An International Perspective - From “Gardner’s Theory” to Child Abuse.
Olga Odinetz:Training for French investigative police officers in family custody cases. Jennifer Harman: Parental Alienation - What Is Done And What Ought to Be Done About It?
Karen and Nick Woodall: Reunification work, experiences from London
Linda Gottlieb: Taking a child down the memorial lane to reunite, a role-play
Panel: Parental Alienation what to do about it in the future? REGISTER: www.pasgnordic.com.WELCOME!
Ademas de los dos dias de congreso, tienen previsto otras actividades sociales, como un crucero a Helsinki de dos noches, visitando esa ciudad.
Tambien habra una conferencia extraordinaria el dia 29 en Oslo, y los dias 30 y 31 de agosto en Londres, para los que puedan asistir.
Mas información
2 PASG2018, Announcement, 2018-01-12-1.p
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